Opening Minds, Bridging Differences, Living Jewish Values.


The vibrant academic life at Heschel encompasses all aspects of our general and Judaic studies programming, as well as college counseling, our Holocaust Archives Center, and opportunities for performing acts of hesed.

The educational philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel School is grounded in a strong curriculum which requires each student to seek personal meaning in that curriculum. Our concern for the whole child is reflected in attention to and the balance between intellectual and emotional growth. We emphasize values and moral education. We view concern for the child’s emotional development, the quality of relationships among students and staff, and reaching out to others as critical components of such an education.

Our educational program is designed to develop skills of inquiry and expression, and to foster understanding of the self and others. We provide models of excellence in our staff and program and emphasize the importance of hard work in the pursuit of achievement. Goals for each school year are viewed in the context of our longer range vision of education as a developmental process.

Teaching at Heschel is guided by the principle that children learn by doing. We believe that acquiring knowledge through experience enhances the student’s understanding of life in school as well as outside of it and enables them to better understand their world. We are mindful that exploratory learning requires structure and that spontaneity coexists with, and indeed may be cultivated through, a skillfully ordered environment. Reliable routines facilitate purposeful investigation. We seek a balance of freedom and boundaries which together cultivate inner discipline.

Our ultimate goal is to develop individuals who are seekers and learners, to educate people who integrate Jewish values in all areas of their lives, and who feel a deep responsibility to the larger world within which they live.

Above all, remember that you must build your life as if it were a work of art.