Early Childhood
Welcome to the Early Childhood Division of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School. Our program reflects our deep respect for children and provides a warm, nurturing, and stimulating environment for our youngest students. Guided by our understanding of how children learn best, we create many opportunities for students to interact with peers, teachers, and open-ended materials, so they become inquisitive learners. We support the children’s growth as individuals and as part of a caring community. We cultivate each child’s Jewish soul and identity through daily prayers, blessings, hesed (acts of kindness), and the celebration of Shabbat and holidays.
The Early Childhood program encompasses nursery, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. Each class has three teachers as well as specialists. The children’s day is scheduled to meet their need for a balance between active and quiet times, indoor and outdoor playtime, time for children to select their own activities, and time for teacher-directed learning.
We invite you to visit the school and learn more about our program.
Judy Wolf-Nevid
Early Childhood Head