Internet Jewish Resources- This is a vast resource in Jewish studies. You might find your favorite Jewish site here.
The Israel HighWay - A Publication for US High School Students about life in Israel.
The Information Literacy Game -- Challenge your friends to questions about research, citation, and reliable sources. The only game allowed in the Heschel Library, originally from University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Daily articles from this Israeli newspaper
Jewish Virtual Library
This is a large collection of references to many publications on a large variety of Jewish subject areas. It does not provide full text. The searcher must find sources for the items referenced.
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This is a site offering information on Israeli foreign affairs.
Israeli Knesset
This site details the Israeli governmental structure and has information about the various branches of government in both Hebrew and English
Israeli Presidency
This site tells about the Israeli presidency and contains photos of various events.
Jewish History
This is a rich source of data for research in Jewish history.
Israeli News
This site is the locus for the Israeli news channel and radio station – Arutz Sheva
Yediot Achronot
This site is the online news and opinion source for Yediot Achronot, the Israeli Newspaper.
Sometimes we are all puzzled by an acronym that we see. Here's a source to help you find the meaning of over 40.000 acronyms. Enjoy!
Interfaith Alliance
The national non-partisan advocacy voice of the interfaith movement, committed to protecting the integrity of both religion and democracy in America.
Center for Islamic Pluralism
A think tank thal challenges the dominance of American Muslim life by militant Islamic groups.
Interfaith Dialog Center
Endeavors to promote respect and mutual understanding among all faiths and cultures.
Bitter Lemons
Presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern. It focuses on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace process. It is produced, edited and partially written by Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian, and Yossi Alpher, an Israeli. Its goal is to contribute to mutual understanding through the open exchange of ideas.
Bitter Lemons International
a weekly internet forum for an array of world perspectives on the Midle East and its specific concerns. Edited jointly by an Israeli and Palestinian.
Science News
A bi-weekly magazine of current issues in science. The library subscribes to the hard-copy edition.
One-Act Plays
A collection of free, full-script one-act plays categorized by comedy or drama and searchable by playwright and cast size.
G.L. Horton's One Act Plays
A collection of one-act plays which includes full scripts and performance directions, plus free monologues.