Opening Minds, Bridging Differences, Living Jewish Values.

Beyond the Classroom


Electives and Clubs

The Middle School offers a variety of electives and clubs where students can further their knowledge of a specific topic or explore new hobbies. These electives include but are not limited to: art, music, book club, classic films, robotics and game design, Heschel Herald (middle school student newspaper), yearbook, sports discussion, yoga, theater AV, woodworking, word games, and Hesed/social action.



Each student is assigned an advisor and meets with their advisory group once or twice per week to discuss concerns, plan for upcoming events, and conduct Hesed activities.

Hesed Days

The Heschel Middle school participates in three Hesed days each year. Students volunteer in day care centers, food pantries, retirement/nursing homes, and local parks. In addition, each advisory group conducts a Hesed project during the second semester.

Overnight Trips

Using the framework of experiential education, each grade in the Middle School leaves the confines of Heschel for a variety of overnight trips. These provide for both new learning experiences as well as community building activities between the grade.

  • 6th Grade - Spring trip to Pennsylvania Dutch Country and Philadelphia
  • 7th Grade - Fall community building experience in New York City; spring trip to Albany area/Hudson Valley
  • 8th Grade - winter trip to Washington, DC; spring trip to Israel

Hebrew language: Yom Eliezer ben Yehudah

In honor of Eliezer ben Yehudah, our students participate in a multi-part competition that focuses on Hebrew vocabulary--antonyms, synonyms, and spelling. Students begin the competition in their own Hebrew classes, and then compete as an entire grade. The week culminates with an assembly where students from grades 6-8 compete for the title "Aluf Ha'Ivrit" (the Hebrew champion).