Opening Minds, Bridging Differences, Living Jewish Values.


Each division has varied opportunities for students to participate in athletics through the academic program as well as through after school activities.
Our Middle School and High School divisions compete in interscholastic sports in three different seasons.

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Athletics Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, September 29
Girls Jv Volleyball practice
Monday, September 30
Girls Varsity Volleyball game at home vs. Stony Brook
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Tuesday, October 1
Heschel 7th Volleyball vs Speyer (B)
20 West End Ave. HS gym- 4th fl, 30WEA-8-8R (100)
MS 7th and 8th Soccer Scrimmage vs RSS
DeWitt Clinton Park, 11th Ave. &, W 54th St, New York, NY 10019, USA
MS Cross Country Meet
Van Cortlandt Park- Race starts near the Tortoise and Hare statue
Boys Varsity Soccer practice
Girls JV Volleyball game at home vs. Long Island Lutheran
20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Heschel 8th Volleyball vs Calhoun (A)
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl, 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Wednesday, October 2
Thursday, October 3
Friday, October 4
Saturday, October 5
Sunday, October 6
Monday, October 7
Boys Varsity Soccer game away vs. Kew Forest
John V. Lindsay East River Park, FDR Dr, New York, NY 10009, USA
Tuesday, October 8
MS XC Practice
74th and Riverside
Soccer Practice
Outdoor/Roof (weather permitting)
Heschel 7th Practice TBD
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Heschel 8th Practice (TBD)
Wednesday, October 9
Girls JV Volleyball game at home vs. Lexington
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Girls Varsity Soccer game at home vs. Long Island Lutheran
Bushwick Inlet Park, 8 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA
Heschel 8th Volleyball vs. Avenues (A)
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Girls Varsity Basketball practice in the HS Gym
20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Thursday, October 10
Zoom Interview Meeting -Jordan Rivera
Heschel 7th & 8th Volleyball Practice
20 West End Ave. MS gym- 4th fl
MS Cross Country Meet at Van Cortlandt Park
Van Cortlandt Park- Race starts near the Tortoise and Hare statue
Girls JV Volleyball game at home vs. Stony Brook
The Stony Brook School, 1 Chapman Pkwy, Stony Brook, NY 11790, USA, 20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Girls Varsity Soccer game away vs. Long Island Lutheran
Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School, 131 Brookville Rd, Glen Head, NY 11545, USA
Girls Varsity Volleyball game at home vs. LUHI in the HS Gym
20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Boys Varsity Basketball practice in the RS Theatre
30WEA-1-Roanna Shorofsky Theater (350)
Boys JV Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Friday, October 11
Saturday, October 12
Sunday, October 13
Boys Varsity Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Girls Jv Volleyball practice
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Monday, October 14
Girls Varsity Volleyball practice
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Girls Varsity Soccer practice
20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Girls Varsity Basketball practice in the HS Gym
20WEA-4-20WEA Gym (200)
Tuesday, October 15
MS XC Practice
74th and Riverside
Heschel 8th Volleyball vs Cathedral
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl, 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Boys Varsity Soccer game at home vs. Waldorf
The Waldorf School of Garden City, 225 Cambridge Ave, Garden City, NY 11530, USA
Girls Varsity Soccer game at home vs. Waldorf
DeWitt Clinton Park, 11th Ave. &, W 54th St, New York, NY 10019, USA
Girls Varsity Volleyball game away @Martin Luther
Martin Luther School, 60-02 Maspeth Ave, Queens, NY 11378, USA
Heschel 7th Volleyball vs Geneva (B)
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Girls JV Volleyball practice
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Wednesday, October 16
Thursday, October 17
Friday, October 18
Saturday, October 19
Sunday, October 20
Subscribe to Alerts Boys Varsity Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Subscribe to Alerts Girls Jv Volleyball practice
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Tuesday, October 22
Subscribe to Alerts MS XC Practice
74th & Riverside
Subscribe to Alerts Heschel 8th Volleyball vs RSS (A)
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Subscribe to Alerts Heschel 7th Volleyball vs BIS (B)
30 WEST END Ave, 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100)
Subscribe to Alerts Boys JV Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Wednesday, October 23
Thursday, October 24
Friday, October 25
Saturday, October 26
Sunday, October 27
Subscribe to Alerts Boys Varsity Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Monday, October 28
Subscribe to Alerts VB (A & B) Division Tournament
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Tuesday, October 29
Subscribe to Alerts VB (A & B) Division Tournament
30 West End Ave. MS gym- 8th fl
Subscribe to Alerts Boys JV Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Wednesday, October 30
Subscribe to Alerts MS Cross Country Finals at Van Cortlandt Park
Van Cortlandt Park- Race starts near the Tortoise and Hare statue
Thursday, October 31
Subscribe to Alerts Cross Country Finals at Van Cortlandt Park (Raindate)
Van Cortlandt Park- Race starts near the Tortoise and Hare statue
Subscribe to Alerts Soccer Practice
Outdoor/Roof (weather permitting)
Subscribe to Alerts Boys JV Basketball practice in the MS Gym
30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, South (100), 30WEA-8-8th floor Gym, North (100)
Saturday, November 2

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • Hockey
  • HS Boys JV Basbketball
  • HS Boys JV Basketball
  • HS Boys Soccer
  • HS Boys Varsity Basketball
  • HS Cross Country
  • HS Girls JV Basketball
  • HS Girls JV Volleyball
  • HS Girls Varsity Basketball
  • HS Girls Varsity Volleyball
  • HS Ultimate Frisbee
  • MS Basketball
  • MS Cross Country
  • MS Girls Softball
  • MS Grade 6 Basketball
  • MS Soccer
  • MS Softball
  • MS Tennis
  • MS Track & Field
  • MS Track and Field
  • MS Ultimate Frisbee
  • MS Volleyball

Ve’nishmartem me’od lenafshoteihem” (Deut.4:15) has traditionally been interpreted as a biblical imperative to take care of one’s body. The athletic and physical education program at Heschel promotes “a sound mind in a sound body” (Juvenal, Satires).

Interscholastic sports at Heschel are an integral component of the educational program and hone kinesthetic skills through competitive teams. Emphases are on learning the particular skills set of the varied sports games and striving together as a group to perform well. Students learn that excellence is achieved by self-discipline, dedication, and focus in and out of the classroom and that competition and cooperation go hand in hand. The athletic program, like the academic program demonstrates that:

• lasting satisfaction comes not so much from “winning” per se as from working to one’s best capacity;
• self-worth and self-confidence are by-products of hard work;
• problem solving and decision making are integral components of every skills set;
• successful performance results from the cooperative efforts of individuals with different learning styles;
• it is always prudent to hone skills already acquired to improve them;
• good sportsmanship and good citizenship comprise the same values;
• commitment, endurance, motivation, and hard work are gratifying.