Opening Minds, Bridging Differences, Living Jewish Values.


We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.”
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

Heschel creates a pluralistic community of students, faculty, and families from a wide range of Jewish, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. Embracing differences demands that we engage each other in meaningful, substantive, and inclusive exploration of Jewish learning and living.

Tefillah Exploration

The High School took part in a Tefillah Exploration program for 3 days. Each student chose 1 of 15 different options that allowed them to redefine and discover new ways to spiritually connect to themselves, to God, and with each other. Some of the options included, "Science and Wonder", "Playing the Parsha", "I'm Still Growing Up - Tefillah at Different Ages", "Philosophies of Prayer", "Comic Sketching / Cartooning", "Body and Soul", and more.

Shema at Heschel

Grade 8 students interviewed a member of each grade at Heschel about the Shema.

Imam Abdullah Antepli, Senior Fellow on Jewish-Muslim Relations at the Shalom Hartman Institute and Co-Director of the Muslim Leadership Initiative, visited Heschel High School to share some reflections about being Muslim in America and being involved in the Muslim-Jewish dialogue.